
Seclusion Room Bed


The Seclusion Room Bed is used in locked wards and seclusion rooms for high risk people. The Bed is made from foam, and does not use any hard materials such as a steel or wooden frame, making it difficult for a Patient to deliberately harm themselves.

About the Seclusion Room Bed

The fire retardant, heat sealed cover is made from a waterproof, breathable, 4-way stretch material. This strong but soft material is very difficult to damage by biting or trying to tear, etc. The flaps on the sides allow air to move, preventing damage to the heat seal if a Patient jumps on the Bed.

By using Mattress Handling Straps (sold separately) the Seclusion Room Bed can be easily moved around by two Carers. The Straps have hand loops on both sides for safe manual handling and can be very helpful when cleaning seclusion rooms, or when taking the Bed up or down stairs.

Also consider if the Seclusion Room Blanket, Pillow, and Gown would be required for your situation. Pelican also make custom-made 100% Heat Sealed Mattresses. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Also available in our Seclusion Room range:

Seclusion Room Blanket Seclusion Room Blanket
Seclusion Room Pillow
Seclusion Gown Seclusion Gown
Weight 22 kg
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Seclusion Room Bed